Hitler holding a bible
Hitler holding a bible

hitler holding a bible

All around us there were young people, black and white, wearing face masks as they streamed toward the White House. “Did you ever think you would be asked to do this in your own country?” I asked one guy in combat fatigues, a bandanna tied around his face in a nod to the still-raging coronavirus pandemic. The major difference from the morning, aside from the large number of people, was the presence of armored military Humvees in the streets of downtown Washington, guarded by young soldiers who had been trained for combat in places like Afghanistan and were now patrolling D.C., on the orders of the President. John’s, where there was a growing crowd of hundreds who had come to protest before the District’s 7 P.M. had no problems last night,” he tweeted minutes earlier, continuing, “(thank you President Trump!)”Ī few hours later, I returned to the plaza in front of St. The President was inside the White House, a few hundred yards away. Burly men from the F.B.I., Secret Service, and Park Police stood guard in the middle of the street.

hitler holding a bible

There was a new black chain-link fence, barring access to Lafayette Park, that had been installed overnight. John’s to denounce Trump’s actions, and I looked back across H Street, to a graffiti-covered wall bearing “Fuck Donald Trump” in giant letters, that the President had walked past en route to the church. With that, Wilker rushed off to join a group of African-American clergy who had gathered in front of St. It’s the same thing Trump is doing here: he is using the symbols of the church,” Wilker said, “as a way to divide the church from one another and to divert our attention from the actual suffering and killing that’s going on.” It was, he concluded, “a demonic act.” “During Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler used the symbols of the Lutheran church-our own church-as a way to divide Christians from one another, and especially to deny the humanity of Jews in Germany.

hitler holding a bible

John’s, a scene that was soon turned into a campaign-ad-style montage by the White House. As a Lutheran, Wilker said, he felt especially upset by Trump’s clumsy wielding of the Bible as he stood in front of St. His bishop had already denounced Trump’s Monday-night actions as “a desecration of the church.” Wilker told me that he considered them not only an “abomination” but an effort by the President to distract from the point of the protests that have followed the murder of George Floyd: police brutality and racial injustice. John’s sister parish, a Lutheran church on Capitol Hill. The pastor, Michael Wilker, is one of the leaders of the Washington Interfaith Network, and he had been summoned from St.

#Hitler holding a bible tv

Now it was a lovely June morning, and the square was quiet, punctuated only by the sound of TV reporters’ live standups and the distant hum of buzz saws, as carpenters installed plywood boards on the front of nearby office buildings. Only a few hours earlier, on Monday evening, heavily armed federal troops had beaten with batons and fired smoke grenades and chemical irritants at a stunned crowd of peaceful protesters, to make way for the President. John’s Episcopal Church, I met an outraged Lutheran pastor there-he was in a cassock, parking his bike.

hitler holding a bible

On Tuesday morning, a day after Donald Trump crossed Lafayette Square for an awkward photo op in front of St.

Hitler holding a bible