Storywriting dialog
Storywriting dialog

storywriting dialog
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storywriting dialog

And I intend to keep the damn promise.”Ģ9. Like right now.” “Then I’ll gladly spend my last moment on Earth kissing you.”Ģ8. “I…got you three presents for Christmas.” “Why?” “Because I wasn’t there for your birthday, Valentines, and–” “We weren’t even dating back then!”Ģ7. What did I miss? Oh yeah, you’re an asshole now get out of my face.”Ģ5. “If it isn’t my ex, who has a shitty personality and cheated on me like all of his ex-girlfriends. “Fate brought us togeth-” “Fuck that shit. “You are the most idiotic but adorable human on the planet.”Ģ3. “How do I make you feel better?” “Go get me a cheesecake, coffee, and chips, that’ll make me feel better.” “Fine.”Ģ2. You might as well be talking to a wall.”Ģ1. “Listen to me, don’t ever take relationship advice from your friends again. “We’re strangers and nothing else.” Pin these romance dialogue story writing prompts for later!Ģ0. “Take a walk with me,” He whispered in her ear. “Do you want to go on a ride with me?”ġ8. “Hello there princess,” The masked gentleman held out his hand. “I’m trying to ask your old man for your hand.” “Good luck with that.”ġ7. “I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.” “Stay with me for long enough and you’ll be able to.”ġ6. “Who are we to each other?” “You tell me.”ġ5. “Did you get me-” “Yes, a churro, a salty and sweet popcorn, a medium cup of sweet tea.” “I love you.”ġ4. “You aren’t who you were before anymore.”ġ3.

storywriting dialog

“This isn’t the kind of love that I want.” Tears streaked her face. “Love isn’t something you can control.” “I know, so I’m leaving before it can.”ġ2. Let’s call it quits before we both get hurt beyond repair, okay?”ġ1. “This isn’t going to work out between us. “I knew there was a reason I f*cking married you.”ġ0. “It’s hard to explain, so I’m not gonna try to explain and you can figure it out for yourself.” “Fair.”ĩ. Don’t look at me like that, it’s a long story.”Ĩ. “What the hell is this?” “A relationship book that I bought on Amazon. “If this isn’t meant to be, I don’t know what is.”ħ.

Storywriting dialog free#

“What time are you free this weekend?” “Anytime, I’ll make sure of it anyways.”Ħ. “Even if I’m the literal fairy queen, I’d still-” “You are. “Did you just…” “Yeah, honey, I prepared breakfa–” “Is that a burnt egg?”Ĥ. “I love you, but sometimes I really want to throw you off a cliff.”ģ. “I know we just met for three dates, but after realizing you like pineapple pizza like me? I think we need to get married.”Ģ. Remember to share this post of romance dialogue story prompts to all your writer friends! Let’s Start with these romance dialogue story writing prompts :ġ. The details are for you to wove in and the ending is for you to decide. Writing prompts are meant to help inspire your own writing and for you to go on and elaborate on further more than the writing prompts given and into a story of your own.

Storywriting dialog full#

With romance being my favorite genre, I had to make 120 romance dialogue story writing prompts full of interesting dialogues! And I am always up for a novel filled with an intriguing plot line and interesting characters! Romance is the perhaps the most popular genre that usually ends up mixed with another. Who’s ready for some romance dialogue story writing prompts? Please note that this post contains affiliate links to find out more information, read my disclosure policy for more information.

Storywriting dialog